All components arrived!

I just got 5 parcels delivered to my doorstep containing all necessary parts for my Pi cluster!Β An excellent opportunity for posting my very first picture on this blog πŸ™‚

A pile of boxes

The parts were all ordered online just yesterday at 5 different stores. And all stores managed to deliver the goods the next day πŸ™‚

After unpacking and sorting the whole lot looked like this:

The parts after unboxing

On the top left is the TP-link-SF1005D unmanaged 5 port switch. Below that the Anker 5 port USB power supply. And below that a USB power cord so I can power the switch from the fifth USB port.

At the top are the 4 Raspberry Pi 3 boards and below that the brand new Pibow Coupe casings. In the middle row the micro SD cards. These are SanDisk Ultra 16GB cards with read speed up to 80MB/s. The bottom two rows are 4 micro USB cables and 4 network cables, both with angled connectors.

And after some more unboxing I made this picture with the egg to show the scale. The components are tiny!

Look how tiny the Pi, switch and hub are!

After this picture I made myself a nice omelet!