Woodwork: top plate

After making the pillars I started on the top of the wooden casing. I cut off a piece of the oak measuring 23,2 x 16,9 cm that is going to be the top of the base.

A nice piece of oak
A nice piece of oak

After some carefull measuring I drilled all holes for the pillars as well as for the USB and network cables. After that I bevelled the edges.

First fitting
First fitting

After that I did a first fitting. The PI’s are not entirely straight here as the pillars are only just pressed in the holes. In the end the pillars will be recessed in the holes for about 1 cm but I did not want to do that now as it is pretty hard to get them out again… And I would like to paint the wooden base before assembly.

So, on to the rest of the base… And to making the difficult choice on the color of the base..


After modifying the Pibow cases I started making the pillars. This was very tedious work, constantly measuring if the pillars were of equal size.

But I did enjoy spending some time at the lathe (had been too long…) and ended up with a nice result 🙂

16 custom made pillars
16 custom made pillars

The long ones are for mounting the bottom two PI’s. Those are longer as they will be recessed into the wood base to give extra strength.